Fraser Coast Attractions - Action, Adventure, Heritage, Fun!

Wide Bay Hospitals Museum
This museum displays items and documents from the Maryborough Hospital, which opened in 1864 and was Queensland’s first hosptial outside of Brisbane. It contains some admission and birth registers and 19th century nursing books.
The musuem is the place to visit if you want to learn accurate details of Australia’s first and only recorded outbreak of Pneumonic Plague or the Black Plague, which occured in Maryborough in 1905.
The musuem contains mostly items pertaining to the hospital and the medical profession. These include original plans of the hospital built in 1887, minutes of board meetings, early records of births and deaths, surgical instruments and apparatus, dental and pathology articles, a skeleton used for hospital teaching purposes, a typical home medicine kit, reference books donated by doctors, and silverware from the private section of hospital.
Wide Bay Hospitals Museum
Cnr. 36 Yaralla and Walker Streets
Open: Every Thursday 9am to 12noon.
Entry: At least a gold coin donation.

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